IUPAC公布化學領域十大新興技術(Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry)
2023 Top 10
人造肌肉(Artificial muscles)
PET的生物回收(Biological recycling of PET)
氯化物介導的海洋二氧化碳去除(Chloride-mediated removal of ocean CO₂)
化學中的GPT語言模型(GPT language models in chemistry)
低糖疫苗(Low-sugar vaccination)
噬菌體療法(Phage therapy)
光催化製氫(Photocatalytic hydrogen)
合成電化學(Synthetic electrochemistry)
可穿戴傳感器技術(Wearable sensors)
2022 Top 10
纖維電池(Fiber batteries)
薄膜型螢光感測器(Film-based fluorescent sensors)
液態太陽能燃料合成(Liquid solar fuel synthesis)
奈米粒子巨量庫(Nanoparticle mega libraries)
球形核酸疫苗(Rational vaccines with SNA)
鈉離子電池(Sodium-ion batteries)
織物顯示器(Textile displays)
虛擬實境互動式建模(VR-enable interactive modelling)
2021 Top 10
源自生質之人工腐植質(Artificial humic matter from biomass)
區塊鏈技術(Blockchain technology)
化學發光之生物應用(Chemiluminescence for biological use)
核糖核酸及去氧核糖核酸之化學合成(Chemical synthesis of RNA and DNA)
半合成生命體(Semi-synthetic life)
單細胞代謝體學(Single cell metabolomics)
聲化學塗料(Sonochemical coatings)
氨的永續生產(Sustainable production of ammonia)
標的蛋白降解技術(Targeted protein degradation)
2020 Top 10
人工智慧(Artificial intelligence)
雙離子電池(Dual-ion batteries)
高壓無機化學(High-pressure inorganic chemistry)
液體閘極技術(Liquid gating technology)
利於塑料回收之巨單體(Macromonomers for better plastic recycling)
微生物質體與生物活性化合物(Microbiome and bioactive compounds)
快速篩檢(Rapid diagnostics for testing)
核酸疫苗(RNA vaccines)